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In Support Of

This year we are working with US 501c(3) organization Drishtipat to raise funds for our beneficiaries in Bangladesh. Drishtipat's tax ID is 38-3657939 (reinstatement pending).


Drishtipat works to safeguard human rights in Bangladesh, ensuring society’s unheard voices are part of this emerging Asian Tiger’s march forward. Established in 2001, Drishtipat is a non-profit, non-partisan fully volunteer organization that focuses on human rights related advocacy and social entrepreneurship projects with prominent local partners.

Drishtipat’s projects have ranged from supporting minority rights and religious tolerance, to improving conditions for Child Domestic Workers. In 2009 Drishtipat hosted “An Evening of Art, An Evening of Hope”, a successful art auction to support child domestic workers' rights in Bangladesh.



Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust

BLAST (Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust) is a free legal services organization that aims to give a voice to the underprivileged in Bangladesh. Since being established in 1993, BLAST has greatly expanded and has gone beyond legal aid. They have provided legal aid to poor and disadvantaged clients in over 57,000 cases to date and in a variety of situations that include cases gone before the Supreme Court of Bangladesh.


Drishtipat has helped allocate funds towards BLAST before and Krishnachura has become an excellent opportunity to support their just cause again.


For more info, please visit


Sathi Samaj Kalyan Samithee

SSKS (Sathi Samaj Kalyan Samithee) is a non-government entity run voluntarily that operates in areas of Dhaka with high populations of people forced to relocate because of a need for opportunity. SSKS runs a pair of free primary schools that educate hundreds of students, since 1991 have run a free clinic that services 2000 patients per year on average, and provides other practical and vital services for the benefit of the local population. 62% of the children who live in the areas they service don’t attend school because of the difficulties caused by the extreme poverty they live in. Parents of these children make less than $100 USD every month.


It’s essential to help SSKS continue to focus on the slums that they base their work in. 


For more info please visit

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